My first lunch at school this year

| Monday, September 28, 2009

I have an hour for lunch between Differential Equations and Assembly Language, and after a pretty alright first day so far, I felt like cooking a little. I'm mostly happy because I didn't take so long that I had no time to eat, but I'm excited enough now to be writing a blog, so who knows.

Just to share:

- one potato
- one cheapo Bar-S hot dog
- onion
- seasoning... or soy sauce
- Adam's crunchy peanut butter?

First I followed this WikiHow to remind myself how to microwave a potato so I didn't have to wait for it to cook in the pan. By the time I got to the kitchen I forgot the times, but I popped my fairly small potato in there for 3:30, which worked fine. Less might have been better--it was incredibly soft and flaky.

While it was in there I chopped up a slice from my onion and got the pan ready. When it was warm I dropped in the onion and let it sizzle, and I quickly chopped and added the hot dog. I had no spatula so I used a plastic spoon/handle of my paring knife to move things around. The potato came out and it had cooled enough to handle, so I mutilated it a bit and threw it in too. They weren't moving around in the pan very well because of a lack of oil, and I slightly panicked because I didn't have any in my possession. I turned down the heat and fetched the peanut butter from my room added a dollop to the pan, and it made things stick in clumps, while some of the peanut butter just burned on the pan. But I did the best I could to mix it up with my paring knife handle and quickly moved on. I felt weird to add soy sauce just after the peanut butter, but I sprinkled some in. It sizzled satisfyingly. I shook the frying pan around a bit and I was done.

meat n potaters

I was a bit afraid to taste it, but I figured the worst it could taste like was potatoes and cheap meat covered in peanut butter and soy sauce. Indeed, that is what it tasted like, and it was not that bad. It was actually kind of good, and the crunch provided by the undercooked onions and peanut butter was fun. I glanced at the clock and saw I had only taken 20 minutes to prepare and cook the whole thing.

This is only my first self-cooked meal at school (ramen doesn't count) and I am glad to not be scarred. I know it's dirt simple but it's a first step, and I want to chronicle my progression.

Time for Assembly!


Anonymous said...

sounds Indonesian to me...