Easier to make a mistake with actions than with words, but then I did both

| Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Give an inch, take a mile? That's me. I make mistakes. Regret and apologize. Realize, revise. Planet earth.

I'm just wafting through. I need to take care of things when I'm able minded. Dry throat, dripping mind. I've always liked the analogy of trying to remember a dream in the morning to trying to keep water in your cupped hands. I am pretty good at cupping my hands--almost no leakage, I'm serious. But my hands aren't so clenchy right after waking up.

I feel like puking, and I'm pretty sure that is just my fatigue. Coffee and dehydration doesn't help, but eh. I'm pretty darn sleepy. Sleepy is what I am. And I make mistakes.

It's not all a mistake. I think long and hard and make sure about some things. Sure, I bought that bitter coffee... but I know I meant the rest of the dinner. It was past midnight and my stomach re-confirms, it was pretty certain about the dinner part. Midnight rang 4/20 and I've still never smoked but I meant every bite of that stoner meal of cheap tacos and curly fries, along with the late night giggles on our second round of drive-thru.

My stomach feels like a pulsing avocado. 6am


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